Friday 6 January 2012

365 Photo Diary #3

Its been awhile since the last 365 update. Here are the last I have of December 2011. And this is my first post for 2012 :-)

8th December 2011
My BIC1024 Midterm paper. I think I did okay, but my lecturer hasn't released the marks up till today and he kept saying he vomited a lot of blood marking all the papers o.O

 9th December 2011
My second time at Tutti Frutti frozen yogurt.

10th December 2011
How my table looked at 3am while I was still up studying for my Statistics midterm.

 11th December 2011
Florals and stripes :-) I made it to the 1 month mark too.!! Another 11 months to go now.

12th December 2011
My search for Smarties has now ended. 

 13th December 2011
My third time singing back up. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity :-)

14th December 2011
I can now check off Wok and Pan in my list of "Food to try in Malacca" :-P I am such a foodie...

 15th December 2011
Led CG Outing and we did a small gift exchange. Dropped by Payless and saw this pair and I just had to try it on.

 16th December 2011
Bought a new dress and 2 pairs of flats.

17th December 2011
2 bottles of nail polish. My first ever in grey and the glitter one has heart shaped flakes in it.

 18th December 2011
I coincidentally wore maxi skirts with the Neo sisters :-)

 19th December 2011
A tiring day in campus just to submit an assignment.

20th December 2011
A selfie during MMUCS's Christmas Party.

 21st December 2011
Gifts from Christmas Party the night before.

 22nd December 2011
I hung up this snowflake before I left Malacca for my Christmas break.

 23rd December 2011
My snowman doughnut from Krispy Kremes. A day of last minute shopping for gifts and I still didn't get to see Pavillion's Christmas deco.

24th December 2011
Christmas Eve with the family. I got a gift under the tree as well. On a side, I really hope to those I had such a good time laughing and eating with, you will know the real reason why Christmas exist.

25th December 2011
Its Christmas people.!!! My yearly tradition to go over to this dear friend's house :-)

26th December 2011
A new mouse from a Christmas goodie bag and doing my assignments at 3am plus under the bed =.=

27th December 2011
Time to head back to Malacca now...

28th December 2011
ROC2: Dear David's banner is up at CLC.!!!!

29th December 2011
CG Outing at Pak Putra and followed by a good game of senior versus juniors. We juniors really rock btw XP

30th December 2011
Brunch in campus. I eat a lot don't I.?

31st December 2011
First New Year's Eve away from home. I wrote a letter to myself that is to be opened in a year's time :-)

After 24 pictures I come to the end of my post. Hope you enjoyed it.

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