Tuesday 20 December 2011

I See It Now

*When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say, blessed be your name*
Its comforting to know that in times of crisis, you trust the Lord even more and you sing your heart out because you know things will be well in His time. The best way that practice has ended thus far :-)

First real post in a while. After one slap of reality in the face almost a month back when all of us were told that ROC2 will be extended to January, I took the second one surprisingly well. I somehow could only see great things to happen from this. ROC2 will no matter what, come to all of you live on the 3rd of January 2011 if you're wondering.

Personally, I feel "big" and "epic" news like this which we do not expect to hear (especially when you are 2 weeks or so away from the big day) makes me trust God even more. I don't know, maybe its because there really is no other option but to trust that He will open doors for us. Its sad to say that I need huge slaps to really know He's there and to put all trust in Him.

I am thankful that I kinda took the news well. I even feel positive bout it. I looked at this as a time for me and also all the members of production of ROC2 to really unite and know and believe that we are in this together. IN THIS TOGETHER.!!! It is also an opportunity that I believe God has given me to encourage the others who are in this as well. Encouraging others can also make you feel good. Before this I was all like "Come la, encourage me la. Why wanna make me feel so bad, its not that hard to say something nice to me..". Yea, I was like that desperate and selfish. But now, I want to make others feel good, even if I might feel like crap at times. 

The big day is now a mere two weeks away, and with news like this I really feel so motivated to make this event great. I couldn't see the light at the end of tunnel before this and pretty much up until lately, but now with such a huge barrier right in front of us, I can see the light burning and shining brightly instead. Therefore to my brothers and sisters who are doing this together, lets ask God to help us see that this is a blessing in disguise and know that He already has a venue for us just waiting to be revealed. 

And after reading this (which totally resembled the situation that we're in), it is really true that our plan B is God's plan A. We struggle to accept all these changes but God is always greater than our problems and he sees the entire picture from the day we started. 

Lets be positive and keep the optimism up :-)

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