Friday 9 December 2011

365 Photo Diary #2

Just another picture heavy post...
Bid farewell to November 2011 and welcoming the final month of 2011 with open hearts

November 2011's

25th November 2011
I had a sudden craving for fruitcakes. Found this at the nearest mini mart.

26th November 2011
I was finally able to come home after a 7 weeks absence. My friend dropped me at my aunt's place and I had this for lunch. I also got to check out the fruitcake she's making *yumss..*

27th November 2011
Meet up with two of my closest friends for frozen yogurt *yea, we have that in Kajang now*. And I received my Big Bad Wolf loot too :-)

28th November 2011
The day I didn't really look forward to. Who wants to head back to Malacca when you're having so much fun at home.?

29th November 2011
I got the wonderful opportunity to emcee for CF. *wooOtss* As usual, I stuttered and missed out a couple of announcements. Really hoping there would be a second time.

30th November 2011
So, November 2011 came to an end and we are down with our final month of 2011. To You up there, it's been a good one year :-) I will look forward to the next year You have for all of us here.

December 2011's

1st December 2011
Ate my tau foo fa by the pool. I like doing stuff like this ~ so relaxing.

2nd December 2011
On the way to a meeting, I stopped by a mart in campus and got this. How I miss the times when I was still a kid, and there will always be ready stock of stuff like these in the fridge.

3rd December 2011
I made my most unplanned trip back home. I packed my bag within half an hour I think. Really thankful that I got to come home once again and even more thankful for my friend who volunteered to send me to Central.

4th December 2011
My whole family went to McD for dinner because I needed to send an email. Came back after that with this leftover and continued studying.

5th December 2011
Last day for me in Kajang and also my brother's SPM. Woke up and everyone has left for work and school. Then I decided to cook my own lunch. Oh how I miss cooking now...

6th December 2011
Back in Malacca once again. My char siew bun from home and a cup of Milo for my tea break. I finally own a mug after spending a semester plus drinking and eating from a multipurpose metal container >.<

7th December 2011
Random picture of my nails. I thought I'd better take a picture of it before it starts chipping. Note to self, stick to one colour only next time.

After 13 photos, I come to the end of my post. Till the next update, have a blessed weekend peeps:-)

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