Friday, 4 January 2013

53 Ornaments

Christmas Celebration is finally over and done with.! Yes Yes Yes =D

Looking at how it went there were definitely things I could have done more. I could have prepared more ornaments for decorations, more preparation for the photo booth and most importantly, I could have surrendered more to God than to rely on my strengths. Quite honestly, I saw this opportunity to plan the party as an outlet to dump all my creativity, party must haves and ideas (like the photo booth). This was the chance, only chance I will have to try out all the decorating tips and tutorials I googled. I saw this as a golden opportunity to see what is it like to make a photo booth, what was it like to hang doyleys from the ceiling etc and the guilt free part is that I get to try this all out for free. Yes, free. Well, I kinda went over budget still =.=

I ran up and down and tried so hard to make it look good so that people can have a good time, people can leave with pretty pictures of the night and also so that I can look and admire at pretty decos. The fact that I have a better and greater reason to celebrate and rejoice on this day didn't cross my mind as much as it should have.

Now that its done, of course I hope that the next person who is in charge of this wouldn't go though what I went through. I still have hopes of seeing a minimum of 80 ornaments dangling around and a nicer photo booth to be set up next. But at the bottom of it all, the planners must know the reason why they want to give so much and that they have such a great reason for the season that they are in. The tough lesson here is, in all that you do, put Him first

See what I meant when I said there could have been more stuff dangling down from the ceiling.? Could have, whats that word... "rain down more heavily" =D

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