Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Frozen Is An Exageration

As you can already guess, I managed to find some time and come home after 7 weeks of being in total "exile" in Malacca. I was initially going to take a cab and go to Malacca Central and take a bus to KL from there. Then, I found out that a friend was also going back to KL. The cab and bus plan got replaced. I followed my friend, saved up to 20 bucks for transportation and I reached home safely at the doorstep of my aunt's place. My aunt's place looks so ready for Christmas, her decorations are up, the tree is up and most importantly, she is already making her fruitcake =) Trust me, I was like a total tourist when I was there, taking pictures of almost everything...

The tree is up already and my aunt's family went all out with the ornaments this year.

Personal favourites :-)

She said take more, and I did.

And most importantly...

Fruitcakes. Made with so much love...*yums*

My dessert dates and greatest friends a girl can ask for. Went for my first ever trip to a frozen yogurt outlet. Its really not frozen to me, just cold enough to solidify it a bit and make it not runny.  Kajang seems so cool now with the opening of Tutti Frutti and Subway. What's next, Wendy's.? =P

Anyways, that's it for now. Gotta go and try my best to prepare and study for my Finance paper =.=

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