Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Effort and A Space in Here

I saved this photo from Tumblr when I first saw it almost 2 years ago, was more into the pretty calligraphy than what the quote meant. Of course, even then when I read it, it made perfect sense just that what was written was far from my worries. I still trust that they wanna stay, and the explanation I always give myself is "people can be really unconscious of all these at times".

Undeniably I have been pretty MIA this semester and to give myself a little credit(is that even the right word.??!?!), I have been more busy than ever. Previous semester was my best so far, I was lunch planner etc, I was a social butterfly. But this semester, I just didn't have the time to text 5 - 6 names for every lunch or dinner that there is. I go out and run errands with whoever that is conveniently with me at the time things occur. With that said, my "encounters" with certain people just never happened for this semester if not less. Guess I should just force myself to find time. FIND. TIME. I know I meant every word when I let all my guard down and said I will mend broken relationships, but you also know right that these things takes two hands to clap.? Probably with this I can save myself some heartache every time I see those "oh shit, we forgot bout her" look when we run into each other. 

*end of rambling*

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